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Rana Jaber

Rana Jaber
About Me
Bio-sketch Rana Jaber, PhD, MPH. Rana Jaber had obtained her PhD in epidemiology from Florida International University. She has substantial experience in teaching nursing and research courses. She has several peer reviewed publications. She is the founder of the dichotomous grouped-time survival analysis, and the first to use this approach to analyze repeated measures with interval censored binary outcome using SAS. Dr. Jaber was accepted as ATRAC-fellow for the year 2016. She is currently leading a research to examine the cardiovascular biomarkers that are associated with electronic cigarettes use and will continue her work on nicotine dependence. Dr. Jaber teaches public health courses as well , and provides SAS statistical analysis and research consultations to students and researchers at national and international level.
Florida International University, Miami, FL Major in Epidemiology 2010-2015 Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan MPH: Masters of public health/ Major in Epidemiology 1997-1999 The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan BSN: Nursing 1989-1993
Teaching Experience
16 years experience teaching undergraduate and graduate students (Nursing, public health, biostatistics, research methodology, scientific writting, and guiding thesis and dissertation work
Taking care of my kids, swimming, walking
I love teaching and explaining science at every level!